I Am Not Prepared

It’s been 8 days since my last race, and I have 1 week and 6 days until my next and final race of 2014.

To quote Illidan Stormrage, I am not prepared.

The thing that I didn’t anticipate when I set the goal of running 12 half marathons in 12 months was how I would feel by the time I hit double digits. I was tired after race #10. Now, after race #11, I’m exhausted. While I know my fitness is at an all-time high, my endurance is flagging because of rest periods between races that are being cut short simply because of scheduling. I haven’t run in 8 days, and I’ve not exactly been very aligned with my nutritional requirements either.

Tomorrow morning I will definitely go for a run. I plan on 3 easy miles to get my body moving again and my mind thinking about the next race. It’s particularly tough because it’s a holiday week here in the US, and one that is generally associated with dietary gluttony. And I really, really like to eat. A lot. Often. *shrug*

The emotional toll I think is the thing I least expected. It’s been such an amazing year of traveling for running that to be here today, with just one more race and one more destination ahead of me…well, I’m just not entirely sure how to feel about it. I’m quite sure that after I’ve crossed that finish line on December 7th, I will feel all kinds of things.

For now, I need to get my head back in the game, press on with one more surge to race day, and run San Antonio like I mean it.

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